Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Recap of Alternative Financing workshop

The Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center hosts an Accelerator Series of workshops on issues of sales and finance for small businesses.

This morning, they held an "Alternative Financing Avenues for Small to Mid-Sized Growing Companies...When the Traditional Banks Say No".

The workshop emphasized that small businesses should be conscious of what kind of business they are. Optimal alternative financing choices will vary depending on the growth tendency, risk type, and working capital needs of your business. Here are a few of the business types that were described:

  • High-growth
  • Leveraged
  • Start-up
  • Marginal earnings
  • Cyclical
  • Working capital-intensive (e.g., payroll, wholesale inventory purchases, etc)
  • Capital intensive (e.g., equipment)

The types of financing that were described include:
  • Mezzanine funding
  • Factor financing
  • Purchase order financing
  • Equpiment financing
  • Traditional asset-based loans
  • SBA and RDA lending
There are several other great events coming up at the CEC this Fall, including:

Successful Relationship Networking
Thursday, October 5

Contemplating Equity Capital
Tuesday, October 10

Do you communicate your message in a clear, concise, and compelling manner?
Thursday, November 2

Lead First, Solve Second, Sell Later: Aligning Leadership with Solution Selling
Tuesday, November 14

For more information, visit www.chicagolandchamber.org/CEC

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Upcoming events of interest

The Alliance and Foresight have a lot going on this Fall with our kick-off, first networking events, special programs, Explorago, the Sustainable Convergence, and the Enterprise Fair. (www.sustainablechicago.biz/events).

In addition, there are a lot of other great activities related to sustainable business coming up that we want to highlight. Mark your calendars for the following events:

September 19 and 26:
Information sessions for the 2006 Green Roofs Grant Program
Center for Green Technology, 445 N Sacramento

September 21:
RTA/CTA Transit Benefit Information Session
How Transit Benefits can save companies and employees money
Chicagoland Chamber, 200 East Randolph, Suite 2200
Contact: Event Hotline, 312-494-6709
Pre-registration is required: http://chicagolandchamber.org/sub/events.asp

September 26:
"Alternative Financing Avenues for Small to Mid-Sized Growing Companies...When the Traditional Banks Say NO."
Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center's Accelerator Series
Free for Alliance members, but pre-registration is required
Email us for more information.

September 27-28:
"2006 Midwest Energy Solutions Conference"
Sponsored by the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Cost: $300-500
Register online: http://www.regonline.com/Checkin.asp?EventId=100615
This conference is the region's premier energy conference, specifically designed for the Midwest's unique energy chalenges. It is an opportunity to learn, network, be inspired, and create a plan for the region's energy health.

October 10:
"Chicago Climate Exchange Associate Membership for Small Business."
Center for Green Technology, 445 N Sacramento
To register, send an email to greentech@cityofchicago.org and include your name and the name and date of the session.

October 23-24:
"Sustainable Innovation Conference"
Registration for business professionals is $309 per day.
Stuart School of Business, 565 West Adams Street
Register online: http://www.cfsd.org.uk/events/tspd11/index.html

October 27-29:
"Navigating Global Change: 2006 Net Impact Conference"
Net Impact Member: $400/475, Non-member: $475/525. Early Registration ends 10/4.
Navy Pier and Fairmont Chicago
Register online: http://netimpact.org/conference

October 30-November 10:
"Green Building Trade Mission to China"
Sponsored by the Office of Trade & Investment
Participants must cover travel cost to China.
Download more information here.

November 10:
"Corporate Strategies that Address Climate Change"
Free, but space is strictly limited.
The University of Michigan, 100 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Register online: http://www.erb.umich.edu/News-and-Events/Nov10.htm

Check our Events page regularly for new Alliance and related events.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

GreenWorks Awards - Apply by September 29!

The City of Chicago is kicking off a new awards program to "recognize businesses, non-profis, schools and government agencies whose buildings, practices, and products or services are environmentally responsible."

This is another great opportunity to communicate your efforts to the public.

The awards are presented in 3 categories:
  • Green Buildings
  • Green Practices
  • Green Products
The application deadline is 4:30pm on Friday, September 29, 2006.

You can download more information and the application here (3.1MB DOC), or visit http://www.cityofchicago.org/Environment (scroll down to click on the GreenWorks Awards logo).

Friday, September 08, 2006

Alliance kick-off a success!

Last night, we kicked off the Chicago Sustainable Business Alliance at the Jefferson Tap & Grille downtown. It was a great success!

36 individuals committed to the sustainable business community came together to hear more abo
ut the Alliance's goals and activities, as well as information on how to get involved.

After discussing an overview and history of the Alliance, we broke into small groups to talk about what the Alliance can offer to achieve the major goals of the Alliance, which are:
  • to network, share ideas and challenges, and discuss strategies for how all Chicago businesses can prosper through sustainability
  • raise awareness among other businesses and the public in order to support informed purchasing and service choices
  • to provide resources and opportunities businesses need to thrive in Chicago

Some of the great ideas that were mentioned include:
  • Panels to discuss when designers, managers, CEOs, engineers have had to compromise their commitment to sustainability in order to participate in a project or advance their organization
  • Forming a student chapter of the Alliance, in part to coordinate hands-on learning opportunities for students and high-quality candidates for Alliance members
  • Using Green Drinks -- Business Edition to dig deep into a particular company's or industry's major sustainability issues and work together to brainstorm solutions
  • Workshops on networking, benefits of being a green business, and more

...and much more!

The current programs and activities are available at: www.sustainablechicago.biz/programs.

If you have ideas about other programs the Alliance can offer, contact us! csba@foresightdesign.org

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

An Alliance is Born!

The Chicago Sustainable Business Alliance has been in the works for months, and the idea itself was a long time coming. But it's finally official. The Alliance is born!

The programs of the Alliance will evolve over time, based on the needs and suggestions of members. To whet your whistle and get the ideas flowing, check out the website for our upcoming programs and activities.


Join the Alliance today!