The Chicago Sustainable Business Alliance is dedicated to promoting
sustainable business through the principles listed below. In outlining these tenets, it is important to recognize some presuppositions: - Social, environmental, economic, and policy spheres are inherently connected and interdependent;
- Systemic evolution via public policy, business innovation, and culture shift is essential to enable local change;
- Business must play a role in the evolution toward a more durable and vibrant society, these goals cannot be accomplished through social efforts and government programs alone.
In seeking to realize these principles, we give ourselves permission to take risks and make mistakes as part of the creative process and aim to inspire others to act similarly.
AWARENESS OF IMPACT - in everything we do. We acknowledge and remain conscientious that our actions today impact tomorrow.
ACCOUNTABILITY - to ourselves, our peers, and our community. We expect no less of ourselves than we do of others and progress with intentionality and responsibility for our actions.
TRANSPARENCY - in business practices and communications that relay accurate awareness and relevant understanding.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY & ACCESSIBILITY - to durable and healthy products and services for all citizens. We encourage businesses to embrace participation from all community members, to act inclusively, and to be free from discrimination.
FAIR TRADE - in an exchange of products and services that respect human dignity and diverse cultural values. This is manifested through practices including fair pay, unforced labor, and safe working conditions of producers.*
*Along with other principles as embodied by World Fair Trade Organization.
ENVIRONMENTAL VITALITY - promoted through business and personal activity that not only ceases the destruction of our natural environment, but also recognizes the need to restore that which has been damaged.
DEEP & EFFECTIVE CHANGE - that produces significant transformation beyond current habit, culture, technology, and policy and takes into account long-term implications. Often more than product characteristics must change to truly address impacts of business; business models may also require reconfiguration.
COLLABORATIVE ADVOCACY - that demands more from ourselves, our neighbors, our businesses, and our government in creating policies that support more enduring practices and behaviors.
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