Thursday, September 03, 2009

Understanding State, Regional and Federal Climate Policy and What You Need to do to be Prepared

15 October 2009, 8:30am-12:30pm
Chicago Kent College of Law, 565 W. Adams, Room 570

In the past year, we have seen a significant amount of activity surrounding climate change regulation at the State, Regional and Federal level. To better understand the climate change picture, members of IL EPA, The Climate Registry, Stuart School of Business, and Registry member companies will provide an overview of the current landscape and outline how companies can prepare for future regulation. The overview will dive into the following content:

Agenda (as of September 2)
· Introduction, an Overview of state, regional and federal climate policy – IL EPA Director Doug Scott
· What is EPA proposing at the national level and how might it impact you – Denise Sheehan, Vice President, Government and Regional Affairs, The Climate Registry
· How does the Waxman-Markey bill fit into the equation – Denise Sheehan, The Climate Registry
· How voluntary reporting can help you get prepared – Ann McCabe, Midwest Regional Director, The Climate Registry
· Carbon Management – Stuart School of Business
· What you can learn from building a greenhouse gas inventory: Companies will share their experiences. Panel will include Climate Registry members Bob Sullivan of S&C Electric, Sonya Newenhouse of Madison Environmental and others.

The event is climate policy forum is hosted by the Illinois EPA and The Climate Registry. It is free but seating is limited.

The Climate Registry is a nonprofit collaboration of North American states, provinces, territories and Native Sovereign Nations that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas emissions into a single registry. The Registry supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs and provides comprehensive, accurate data to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

RSVP to Mary McDonald, IL EPA,
Deadline: October 9.

Questions, contact Ann McCabe, Midwest Regional Director, The Climate Registry, at (773) 661-1230 or

Learn more.


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